
Making the Most of the Sunshine

The sun was shining today, making me feel warmer than it actually was. It has been cold, very cold, and from this weekend onwards it will be even colder. Perhaps even some snow. Yuk. I made a new raised bed for one of the flower borders but forgot to take a photo for the blog.… Continue reading Making the Most of the Sunshine


Sunny Sunday on the Plot

After a busy week I managed to squeeze a couple of hours allotment time in on Sunday. Leeks have patiently waited in their pots to go out on the plot, so this is one of the jobs I got on with. I planted the leeks where second early potatoes were, this is a great way… Continue reading Sunny Sunday on the Plot


Dahlias, Beans and Drama Queens

One job I just had to get done this weekend was cut the dahlias down and cover with a mulch. I decided to leave my dahlias in the ground over winter, a combination of being lazy and pure curiosity. A bit more of the lazy if I'm being completely honest. I also got my broad… Continue reading Dahlias, Beans and Drama Queens


5 Reasons to Grow Broad Beans

Yesterday I popped some broad bean seeds (or fava beans as they're also known) into a raised bed, just 2 rows because I'm the only one in my family who likes them. Broad bean ‘Aquadulce Claudia’ are a hardy variety which are perfect for direct sowing in autumn if the soil isn’t frozen or water-logged. … Continue reading 5 Reasons to Grow Broad Beans